Video/ Topics

 Please create a video/ monolog/ 4 - 5 min.!

1.       Society an         Gesellschaftliche Trends, Lebensstile und Kulturleben

1.1.  ROMEO AND JULIET, Finding Mr/Mrs Right today, Tinder, Generation Porn,…                              

1.2.  Torture, LORD OF THE FLIES, Human Rights, Capital Punishment, Abu Ghraib, CIA Prisons, Russia,…        

1.3.  WARS and Conflicts; e.g.  ISRAEL/ Islamic World, UKRAINE, “Clash of Civilisations”, …

1.4.  Migration past/present/future… solutions … integration – CLIMATE CHANGE!                              

1.5.  In Time/Dystopian Films- Dystopia becomes true? 1984/EU, China,… reality?                               

1.6.  The World after 9/11/ Conspiracy Theories, …       reducing scepticism towards science                             

1.7.  The Afro American Struggle for Freedom, THE BUTTLER,.. situation USA today?                           

1.8.  ANTI WAR – PROTEST ….can we/literature/music change the world?                                                                                              


2.        Environm          Umwelt und Lebensqualität

2.1.  International Organisations: NGOs, Greenpeace, …UNO/UN (IAEO, …),…

2.2.  Transforming our world UN AGENDA 2030 - 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals                    

2.3.  SIMPSONS- THE MOVIE- criticism, … environmental protection?                                      

2.4.  FRAKING AND THE Global oil Market - new energies – new atomic power technology

2.5.  Australia/country/agriculture/ecological problems                                                              

2.6.  The future of energy supply                                                                                                       

2.7.  Environmental pollution – types of pollutions (Microplastics, Air, Water, Light, ….)                      

2.8.  Geo engineering – Terra-forming, …technology fighting pollution and climate change                                                                

3.       World of A        Arbeitswelt: Schule, Ausbildug, Beruf und persönliche Perspektiven

3.1.  WAITING FOR GODOT – perspectives in life, …          carpe diem, …                                                      

3.2.  Future working conditions/future cities– life in cities or the countryside?                                         

3.3.  The Future of farming/ of our society, … Urban farming                                                                         

3.4.  Clean clothes, child labour/ India / modern slavery, solutions? Consumers?                                     

3.5.  World Population: ageing societies vs. overpopulation –  solutions?                                   

3.6.  Media, infotainment, „are we amusing ourselves to death?“ types of newspapers,

3.7.   New Media … chances and risks – (anti)-social media?

4.       Mobility a       Mobilität und Tourismus

4.1.  Tourism in Austria/                                                                          

4.2.  Agro-tourism/ eco-tourism                                                                                                            

4.3.  The future of tourism, space tourism, climate change, …                                       

4.4.  Mass tourism, over tourism vs. individual tourism                                                                                   

4.5.  Future cities/ Mobillity/ , new ways of transport (cable car, …)                                                                             

4.6.  Digitalisation – future working conditions, …            

4.7.  Artificial intelligence – risks and chances (deep fake, danger for democraties,…)


5.       Food and        Ernährung und Gesundheit

5.1.  Happiness and stress                                                                                                                      

5.2.  DRUGS/ addictions, BASKETBALL DIARIES                                                                   

5.3.  Dependencies/ New Media/ our digital world                                                                           

5.4.  EATING DISORDERS/ SUPERSIZE ME – adiposities, anorexia, …                                             

5.5.  Healthy lifestyle/ healthy living/ , …                                                                                            

5.6.  Violence in computer games

5.7.  Violence in films/media/new (social) media/… are getting we increasingly paranoid?                                                                    

6.       Science an        Wissenschaft und Technik

6.1.  Paranormal Phenomena, Ghosts/ UFO, Paranormal Activity (in Reality and Film), …       

6.2.  The Utopia Genre/ Utopia/ Dystopia /ANIMAL FARM, In TIME, …                        

6.3.  Our digital world, „Big Brother is watching you“ – Surveillance (CHINA, London,..)  / Social MEDIA

6.4.  Genetic engineering/ dolly/ Monsanto, etc. - future food (gene-manipulated, artificial, insects,…

6.5.  Energy supply in Europe/ Dependencies/ global economy                     

6.6.  Urbanisation/ Urban Farming/new transport systems (cable cars,…)

6.7.  Atomic energy – past/present/future - atomic energy technologies – using atomic waste?


7.       Economy/         Wirtschaft und Gesellschaftsleben

7.1.  Advertising/ propaganda/ marketing/ , …                                                                  

7.2.  EU/ GAP/ pros and cons                                                                                 

7.3.  7.2 USA – the “Pursuit of Happiness” – Reality – liberal economy vs. social economy                                     

7.4.  68 Revolutions vs. Cocooning – danger for democracy?                                                                                         

7.5.  Economic Crises - is this the end of capitalism? “Common Wealth Economy (Gemeinwohl Ökonomie)

7.6.  Fair trade                                                                                                                           

7.7.  Planned Obsolescence – designed to fail!

8.       Agricultur         Land- und Forstwirtschaft

8.1.  Forestry (Austria/ Europe/ worldwide)                                                                       

8.2.  Conventional vs. organic farming                                                                                 

8.3.  Human/ Animal Diseases, … bad cow disease, ebola, covid19… consequences on society                              

8.4.  Nature and Animal Conservation, … re-naturalization law of the EU                                                                    

8.5.  Climate Change/ Green House Effect/ Renewable energies, …                                              

8.6.  Global poverty and the EU Agricultural Policy, …                                                      

8.7.  Milk Production and global problems/ Food Production/ Animal Breeding, …   

8.8.  Ireland/ agriculture                                                                                                                         

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