Pollution/ Simpsons


Environmental pollution comes in various forms, affecting air, water, soil, and even sound. Here are 15 kinds of environmental pollution:



  1. Air Pollution: This involves the release of harmful gases, particulate matter, and biological molecules into the atmosphere, often from industrial processes, vehicle emissions, and the burning of fossil fuels.

  2. Water Pollution: Contamination of water bodies like rivers, lakes, oceans, and groundwater by pollutants such as chemicals, pathogens, and waste products from industrial, agricultural, and urban sources.

  3. Soil Pollution: Soil contamination occurs due to the presence of hazardous substances, including heavy metals, pesticides, and industrial chemicals, which affect soil fertility and can harm plants, animals, and humans.

  4. Noise Pollution: Excessive noise from sources like traffic, industrial machinery, and urban development disrupts ecosystems, disturbs wildlife, and poses health risks to humans, including hearing loss and stress-related issues.

  5. Light Pollution: Artificial light from streetlights, buildings, and vehicles can disrupt natural light cycles, impacting wildlife behaviour, disrupting ecosystems, and contributing to energy waste.

  6. Thermal Pollution: This results from the release of heated water into natural water bodies from industrial processes, power plants, and urban runoff, which can harm aquatic ecosystems and alter water temperatures.

  7. Plastic Pollution: The accumulation of plastic waste in the environment, especially in oceans and waterways, poses significant threats to marine life, ecosystems, and human health through ingestion, entanglement, and chemical leaching.

  8. Radioactive Pollution: The release of radioactive substances into the environment from nuclear power plants, mining operations, and improper disposal of radioactive waste poses long-term health risks to humans and ecosystems.

  9. Visual Pollution: Unsightly visual elements such as litter, graffiti, and poorly maintained infrastructure degrade the aesthetic quality of the environment, impacting mental well-being and property values.

  10. Biological Pollution: The introduction of invasive species, pathogens, and genetically modified organisms into ecosystems can disrupt the natural balance, threaten biodiversity, and cause ecological harm.

  11. Electromagnetic Pollution: This includes electromagnetic radiation from sources such as power lines, wireless communication devices, and electrical appliances, which may have health impacts on humans and wildlife.

  12. Chemical Pollution: The release of harmful chemicals and toxins into the environment from industrial processes, agriculture, and improper waste disposal poses risks to ecosystems, wildlife, and human health.

  13. Groundwater Pollution: Contamination of underground water reservoirs by pollutants such as pesticides, fertilizers, and industrial chemicals can render water unfit for consumption and agricultural use.

  14. Acid Rain: Acidic precipitation resulting from the release of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere combines with atmospheric moisture, causing damage to forests, aquatic ecosystems, and infrastructure.

  15. E-waste Pollution: Improper disposal and recycling of electronic waste, including computers, smartphones, and appliances, releases hazardous materials like lead, mercury, and cadmium into the environment, posing health and environmental risks.

Oral TASK: 

How would you characterise the Simpsons family? Give a short plot outline of “The Simpsons – Movie”. Why is it a film about environmental protection? What is largely criticised in this cartoon series?

You are a member of GREENPEACE http://www.greenpeace.org and you want to convince a good friend to join the organisation to fight against environmental pollution. Which arguments can you give?

In your opinion, are we sometimes as careless as the Simpsons family? What can everybody do, to make our world a better place to live? 



UN Declaration of Human Rights

Amnesty International: Countries where Human Rights are violated:

CIA Prisons: 

Quantanamo Bay

Abu Ghraib 
Bildergebnis für water boarding


William Golding:"Lord of the Flies"

TASK 1: Monologue: 
You are a member of AI (Amnesty International) and you organise a meeting with your friends. You watch the movie “Lord of the Flies”, based on William Golding´s novel. After watching the movie, you give a short talk. You want to convince your friends to join the organisation to fight capital punishment worldwide.
  •  Give a short summary of the text above and the famous book
  • “Lord of the Flies”. Which connections can you draw?Analyse the violation of Human Rights today
  • Argue why it is so important to become a member of AI (Amnesty International)
  • Express your point of views concerning other NGOs
TASK 2: Dialogue: 
With a colleague you discuss the situation of Human Rights. Consider and discuss the aspects below:
  •  migration and refugee streams in Europe
  • possible solutions to help the people in their home countries
  • education as a key to integration

Video/ Topics

 Please create a video/ monolog/ 4 - 5 min.!

1.       Society an         Gesellschaftliche Trends, Lebensstile und Kulturleben

1.1.  ROMEO AND JULIET, Finding Mr/Mrs Right today, Tinder, Generation Porn,…                              

1.2.  Torture, LORD OF THE FLIES, Human Rights, Capital Punishment, Abu Ghraib, CIA Prisons, Russia,…        

1.3.  WARS and Conflicts; e.g.  ISRAEL/ Islamic World, UKRAINE, “Clash of Civilisations”, …

1.4.  Migration past/present/future… solutions … integration – CLIMATE CHANGE!                              

1.5.  In Time/Dystopian Films- Dystopia becomes true? 1984/EU, China,… reality?                               

1.6.  The World after 9/11/ Conspiracy Theories, …       reducing scepticism towards science                             

1.7.  The Afro American Struggle for Freedom, THE BUTTLER,.. situation USA today?                           

1.8.  ANTI WAR – PROTEST ….can we/literature/music change the world?                                                                                              


2.        Environm          Umwelt und Lebensqualität

2.1.  International Organisations: NGOs, Greenpeace, …UNO/UN (IAEO, …),…

2.2.  Transforming our world UN AGENDA 2030 - 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals                    

2.3.  SIMPSONS- THE MOVIE- criticism, … environmental protection?                                      

2.4.  FRAKING AND THE Global oil Market - new energies – new atomic power technology

2.5.  Australia/country/agriculture/ecological problems                                                              

2.6.  The future of energy supply                                                                                                       

2.7.  Environmental pollution – types of pollutions (Microplastics, Air, Water, Light, ….)                      

2.8.  Geo engineering – Terra-forming, …technology fighting pollution and climate change                                                                

3.       World of A        Arbeitswelt: Schule, Ausbildug, Beruf und persönliche Perspektiven

3.1.  WAITING FOR GODOT – perspectives in life, …          carpe diem, …                                                      

3.2.  Future working conditions/future cities– life in cities or the countryside?                                         

3.3.  The Future of farming/ of our society, … Urban farming                                                                         

3.4.  Clean clothes, child labour/ India / modern slavery, solutions? Consumers?                                     

3.5.  World Population: ageing societies vs. overpopulation –  solutions?                                   

3.6.  Media, infotainment, „are we amusing ourselves to death?“ types of newspapers,

3.7.   New Media … chances and risks – (anti)-social media?

4.       Mobility a       Mobilität und Tourismus

4.1.  Tourism in Austria/                                                                          

4.2.  Agro-tourism/ eco-tourism                                                                                                            

4.3.  The future of tourism, space tourism, climate change, …                                       

4.4.  Mass tourism, over tourism vs. individual tourism                                                                                   

4.5.  Future cities/ Mobillity/ , new ways of transport (cable car, …)                                                                             

4.6.  Digitalisation – future working conditions, …            

4.7.  Artificial intelligence – risks and chances (deep fake, danger for democraties,…)


5.       Food and        Ernährung und Gesundheit

5.1.  Happiness and stress                                                                                                                      

5.2.  DRUGS/ addictions, BASKETBALL DIARIES                                                                   

5.3.  Dependencies/ New Media/ our digital world                                                                           

5.4.  EATING DISORDERS/ SUPERSIZE ME – adiposities, anorexia, …                                             

5.5.  Healthy lifestyle/ healthy living/ , …                                                                                            

5.6.  Violence in computer games

5.7.  Violence in films/media/new (social) media/… are getting we increasingly paranoid?                                                                    

6.       Science an        Wissenschaft und Technik

6.1.  Paranormal Phenomena, Ghosts/ UFO, Paranormal Activity (in Reality and Film), …       

6.2.  The Utopia Genre/ Utopia/ Dystopia /ANIMAL FARM, In TIME, …                        

6.3.  Our digital world, „Big Brother is watching you“ – Surveillance (CHINA, London,..)  / Social MEDIA

6.4.  Genetic engineering/ dolly/ Monsanto, etc. - future food (gene-manipulated, artificial, insects,…

6.5.  Energy supply in Europe/ Dependencies/ global economy                     

6.6.  Urbanisation/ Urban Farming/new transport systems (cable cars,…)

6.7.  Atomic energy – past/present/future - atomic energy technologies – using atomic waste?


7.       Economy/         Wirtschaft und Gesellschaftsleben

7.1.  Advertising/ propaganda/ marketing/ , …                                                                  

7.2.  EU/ GAP/ pros and cons                                                                                 

7.3.  7.2 USA – the “Pursuit of Happiness” – Reality – liberal economy vs. social economy                                     

7.4.  68 Revolutions vs. Cocooning – danger for democracy?                                                                                         

7.5.  Economic Crises - is this the end of capitalism? “Common Wealth Economy (Gemeinwohl Ökonomie)

7.6.  Fair trade                                                                                                                           

7.7.  Planned Obsolescence – designed to fail!

8.       Agricultur         Land- und Forstwirtschaft

8.1.  Forestry (Austria/ Europe/ worldwide)                                                                       

8.2.  Conventional vs. organic farming                                                                                 

8.3.  Human/ Animal Diseases, … bad cow disease, ebola, covid19… consequences on society                              

8.4.  Nature and Animal Conservation, … re-naturalization law of the EU                                                                    

8.5.  Climate Change/ Green House Effect/ Renewable energies, …                                              

8.6.  Global poverty and the EU Agricultural Policy, …                                                      

8.7.  Milk Production and global problems/ Food Production/ Animal Breeding, …   

8.8.  Ireland/ agriculture