Glasgow Climate Change Conference – October-November 2021



Or summarize another article about this topic!

Give a summary ↖ in your own words!

Approximately 150 -200 words
State your personal opinion on this topic in 150 - 200 words! 

Use linking words 



Make meaningful paragraphs! 

Einleitung/ 3 - 5 Absätze (Paragraphs)/ Schluss 

Zwischen den Absätzen IMMER eine Zeile freilassen!


Further Links: 

Romeo and Juliet!

Study Questions: 
Imagine the following situation: Leisure Club

Monolog                                                                                           5 min

You are one of the organising members of the Leisure Club and today you watch a modern version of the famous drama: “Romeo and Juliet”. After watching the movie, you give a talk about the film and parallels to our lives. In your talk, answer the following questions:

  • outline why this old story is still topical today
  • explain the reasons behind the increase of social media and online communication
  • contrast the difference between a real-life friendship and a virtual friendship.

Dialog                                                                                               10 min.
With a colleague you discuss modern dating culture and romantic relationships after the meeting. In the discussion you state your opinion on,

  • the advantages and disadvantages of being single
  • the attitude of young people towards long-term relationships
  • what qualities you would look for in a potential partner
  • the problem of watching pornography at a young age
Writing TASK:
Two households, both alike in dignity,
In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life;

A glooming peace this morning with it brings;
The sun, for sorrow, will not show his head:
Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things;
Some shall be pardoned and some punished.
For never was a story of more woe
Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.

  • Give a short plot outline of the famous drama! Comment on the Prologue and the Epilogue of this famous play. What is meant by: “star-cross'd lovers”?

  • Deal with topics, interesting to you! (e.g. Love and hate, love at the first sight, passion, sex, marriage, the church, religion, violence, death, drugs, friends and group pressure, committing suicide, enemies, relatives and parents, …)

  • In your opinion, which measures are to be taken to prevent young people from committing suicide and lead a happy life?



Animal Husbandry/ Factory farming

When Babe was released in the USA, it is reported that "activists around the country staked out movie theatres with flyers documenting the real life abuses of pigs".The film had a marked effect on the growth of vegetarianism, particularly among the young. It also promoted a more sympathetic view of the intellectual, emotional and social capacities of animals.James Cromwell became an ethical vegan as a result of starring as Farmer Hoggett, saying, "I decided that to be able to talk about this [movie] with conviction, I needed to become a vegetarian." In 1996 he went on to organize a vegetarian dinner for the Los Angeles homeless at a “Compassionate Christmas” event in order to reverse the barnyard view that "Christmas is carnage".

Study Questions: 

·         How is the life of Babe shown in the movie? Give a short plot outline of the film. What do those documentaries/videos tell us?

·         How is the life of animals in reality in mass husbandry and factory farming?

·         How can we achieve a more animal-friendly and sustainable agricultural production in Austria, Europe and world-wide?


​Genetic Engineering


Picture: Most GMO crops are RoundUp-ready

You attend a biotechnology symposium. A panel of speakers plans to discuss the future of gene manipulation in various life sciences fields. You have been asked to introduce this panel. In this 4-5 minute speech,:

·       Explain what  a clone is.

  • ·       Discuss the potential of genetic modification in research, agriculture, and medicine. Provide some real world examples to introduce the topic.
  • ·       Explain how genetic engineering could become more significant in the future with new technology like CRISPR or gene therapy.
  • ·       Suggest possible ethical questions in the area of genetic modification/genetic engineering.

Following the presentation, you and a bioethicist at the convention visit the bar. After a few drinks, you get into a lively debate about the use of GMOs in medicine and agriculture, and you do not agree on this topic. Provide opposing perspectives about

  • ·       The ethics of creating and copyrighting organisms for research or agriculture
  • ·       Analyze how GM crops could help or hurt food production and global nutrition
  • ·       Discuss the potential of gene therapy and new technologies like CRISPR
  • ·       Suggest what limits should exist on genetic modification


Related videos: – overview; includes insulin example – the Oncomouse rice (slightly longer, but a very interesting use of GMO in agriculture not for pesticide/herbicide) video, CRISPR explained in 5 levels of difficulty (1-3 could be useful, 4-5 useful after if students want to listen in English about this topic)





 Lego Friends


 Obvious product placement examples


 Flat Matthew (Superbowl 2021)


Dodge Charger (Superbowl 2010)


Watch some ads and pay attention to: 


-          What are they advertising?

-     Who is the target audience, and how do you know?

-     What marketing techniques do you recognize?